Qurani and Sunnah Protection
Duaas for Protection
(قُـلْ أَعـوذُ بِرَبِّ الفَلَـقِ… (الفَلَـقْ
{Qul aAAoothu birabbi alfalaq…..} [Al-Falaq]
(قُـلْ أَعـوذُ بِرَبِّ النّـاسِ… (الـنّاس
{Qul aAAoothu birabbi alnnas…..} [An-Nas]
[Sunan Abū Dawūd 5082]
(Ayat-Al-Kursiy) after each prayer:
…اللّهُ لا إلهَ إلاّ هُـوَ الـحَيُّ القَيّـومُ لا تَأْخُـذُهُ سِنَـةٌ وَلا نَـوْمٌ
{Allahu la ilaha illa huwa alhayyu alqayyoomu la ta/khuthuhu sinatun wala nawm…}
The Prophet (SAW) said: ‘Whoever recites the last two verses of Soorat Al-Baqarah at night, those two verses shall be sufficient for him (i.e. protect him from all that can cause him harm).’
(…ءامَنَ الرَّسـولُ بِمـا أُنْـزِلَ إِلَيْـهِ مِنْ رَبِّـهِ وَالْمُـؤْمِنـونَ)
(Amana alrrasoolu bima onzila ilayhi min rabbihi wa almu/minoona….)
[Al-Baqarah: 285-286]
‘I take refuge in Allah’s perfect words from the evil He has created.’ (three times in the evening)
(أَعـوذُبِكَلِمـاتِ اللّهِ التّـامّـاتِ مِنْ شَـرِّ ما خَلَـق (ثلاثاً إِذا أمسى
aAAoothu bikalimatil-lahit-tammati min sharri ma khalaq
‘In the name of Allah with whose name nothing is harmed on earth nor in the heavens and He is The All-Seeing, The All-Knowing.’ (three times)
(بِسـمِ اللهِ الذي لا يَضُـرُّ مَعَ اسمِـهِ شَيءٌ في الأرْضِ وَلا في السّمـاءِ وَهـوَ السّمـيعُ العَلـيم . (ثلاثاً
Bismil-lahil-lathee la yadurru maAAas-mihi shay-on fil-ardi wala fis-sama-i wahuwas-sameeAAul-AAaleem. (three times)