MAM Islamic School

Fees & Finances

Fee Structure

JK through 4th Grade Annual Tuition Rates for each child attending MAM Islamic Elementary School for the 2024-2025 school year.

Junior and Senior Kindergarten

Child (s)

Annual Tuition Fee

Monthly Tuition

(10 month)

1st Child



2nd Child



3rd Child



4th Child onwards




Grade 1 to Grade 4

Child (s)

Annual Tuition Fee

Monthly Tuition

(10 month)

1st Child



2nd Child



3rd Child



4th Child onwards




Other Non-Refundable Annual Fees (Per Child)

Additional Fees Type

Fee Cost (Non Refundable/Year)

Application Fee


Material Fee*



*Included in 2024-2025 Material Fee:

  • General Standardized Assessments

  • Printed Materials (Workbooks, Consumables)

  • Textbook Usage

  • Co-curricular Workshops and Activities

(First Withdrawal – August 1, 2024)

• One-time payment for Full annual amount
• 10-month payment plan (August to May)

• Financial Assistance is available for families who need extra help meeting the cost of tuition. To request financial assistance please send an email to with full details of your request and reasons. An interview and Further documentation may be requested. Please note that there are limited amounts of support available each annual year.

• Upon Request via email to, A donation receipt will be provided for 50% of the annual tuition fee per child at the end of March each year.

• Students who withdraw after September 1, 2024, will lose the annual registration fee, material fee and will be responsible for tuition fee until end of the month as well as a 10% of the reminder of the annual tuition fee.

• Minimum 2 month advance written notice via Email to is required if you are to withdraw your child from MAM Islamic Elementary School.